Ahoy! - Bitty (Black Pearl) Berry
I just saw this on C|Net and on Google News. The Blackberry Pearl nee Blackberry 8100 is coming and is pointed at consumers. Looking at it, it seems that it's taken the best of the SLVR and the Nokia Smartphones and rolled them into a RIM package for about $200. I only hope that it will accept files from bluetooth devices (I've tried to send files to other Blackberry users to no avail - it seems that for Blackberry, bluetooth is for headsets only - but now after reading PC Mag it seems that it can send and receive files... now if there was Salling Clicker as well ... ). This is a device that I can really see as the killer device for mLearning. I may have to upgrade early, Rogers says that it is available. Technorati Tags: RIM, BlackBerry Pearl, mLearning
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