Thursday, May 04, 2006

Census 2006 and the Flames

Double boo hoo this morning. Yes, like many in Edmonton, I was feeling dirty hoping that the Flames would win, but that massive C did it's job and they choked (though it's interesting that the top 4 in the west are gone as well as Tampa Bay). Ah well, at least now Edmonton has bragging rights for a year (not that those rights are worth more than the leftovers from a bull's breakfast if we don't go all the way). Anyway, a beef this morning is the Census2006 website. I tried to get on to it on my wife's G3 laptop running the latest FireFox (updated this morning) and I get told I can't use the site. It's almost always the case that these government sites always have flakey online forms and browser detection, and this is just another example. To top it off, it was all done in Java. Nothing wrong with that, but that being the case - what is the crucial part for the browser? Ah well hopefully I've chopped up enough beef here to give the Oiler fans something to throw at the Shark Tank.